Dinesh Sharma
Learning Path - Full Stack - Javascript
Issue Date - Sep 16th 2023
Certificate ID - B23009

Gradious CoE (Centre Of Excellence)

  • 300+ Pre-vetted, Pre-trained 2024 Engineering students 
  • Trained by Industry leads and architects
  • Available to work as an intern starting August/September 2023 for the next 10 months.
  • Exposure and ability to write code equivalent to a 1 – year experienced software engineer.
  • Built end-to-end project
  • Deployable from Day 1. 

Gradious CoE Learning Paths

Full Stack - NodeJS

  • HTML / HTML 5
  • CSS / CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • MySql
  • Git / Repo
  • Agile / Jira
  • Postman
  • Softskills

Full Stack - Python

  • HTML / HTML 5
  • CSS / CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Flask
  • Python
  • MongoDB
  • MySql
  • Git / Repo
  • Agile / Jira
  • Postman
  • Softskills

Full Stack - Java

  • HTML / HTML 5
  • CSS / CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Java, J2EE, SpringBoot
  • MongoDB
  • MySql
  • Git / Repo
  • Agile / Jira
  • Postman
  • Softskills

DevOps / Infra

  • Linux
  • Networking
  • Storage
  • AWS (Networking, Compute, Storage,)
  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • Softskills

ML / Python

  • Python
  • Flask
  • MySQL & MongoDB
  • Machine Learning Fundamentals -Regression, Classification, Clustering
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • CNN & RNN
  •  Softskills

Gradious invests in the candidates and carefully picks each and every candidate that is part of the CoE. 

The candidates are in their 6th/7th semester of engineering with minimum 65% across 10th, 12th and graduation. 

Detailed Screening – Each candidate has been screened via following rounds

  • Aptitude, comprehension, grammar and subject knowledge test. 
  • Coding test
  • Interview with our Tech lead / Architect

Each candidate has been hand-picked with careful evaluation on aptitude, technical skills &  communication.


Select students are trained during the 6th and 7th semester and are ready to take up internship starting mid of 7th semester. 

Our bootcamp is rigorous and based on the following principles

  • Pedagogy Based – Practice every concept on a daily basis
  • Industry relevant – Concepts that are used in software industry delivered by software leads and architects. The training runs on a physical/online mode and is not self paced. 
  • Continuous Evaluation – We ensure that the trainee’s are learning all along and are clearing periodic evaluations before moving onto the next module
  • 360-Degree development – We are preparing the trainee’s to be software developers. We prepare them on soft skills, agile and meeting etiquette.
  • Pre-vetted profiles. Only a few select students can be part of the Gradious CoE, after having gone through multiple rounds of evaluation.
  • Job Deployable. The students have gone through a rigour and are trained with on-job skills. They already have worked on projects and delivered working applications
  • Early adoption. The students are in the final year of engineering and can be hired as intern-to-employee model. Companies can tap into the talent early and get them started early into delivering useful output at a cost far lesser than a fresher. 
  • Cost Saving, time saving for your HR and technical teams  – access to fresh talent, without needing to scan and evaluate large number of profiles

When considering a cost of hiring a candidate, we need to consider the total cost to make that candidate productive. 

  • The cost of hiring an employee goes far beyond just paying for salary and encompass recruiting, training, benefits, and more.
  • Integrating a new employee into the organisation also requires time and expenditures.
  • It can take up to six months or more for a company to get any meaningful output from a new hire.

The average cost spent by organisations from hiring to project deployment ranges between 88K to 2.4L with the industry average being 1.2L.

Gradious charges just a fraction of that for only the successful joiners from its CoE. 

Students in our CoE build E2E projects. These projects are either part of a bigger application (live application of a client) or a contribution to open source. 

Some of the sample module assignments that trainee’s have built can be viewed here – 

Appointment Booking app- https://bit.ly/grap1

Quiz / LMS app – https://bit.ly/grapp2 

Loan calculator app – https://bit.ly/grapp3

Memory Game – https://bit.ly/grapp4 


In addition, you can read about some of the internship stories that are published as blogs.


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