Internship Stories

Crypto Exchange Bot using XO platform

Associate Engineer,

June, 2023

Venkatesh Associate Engineer,

How I integrated two cutting edge technologies to build a Crypto Exchange Bot using XO platform

Cryptocurrency and NFTs are gaining popularity around the world. It is a very recent development and there is a growing need for tools and information to facilitate buying, selling, tracking, and managing cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Hence, when I was asked to build a live working bot using the Virtual Assistant Conversation Builder I chose cryptocurrency as the subject base. I feel that the field of cryptocurrency is a practical and relevant application of AI.


I built the Crypto Exchange bot while enrolled in the Full Stack Developer course at Gradious. This bot aims at assisting in tasks related to cryptocurrency like buying and selling cryptocurrencies and NFTs, tracking the latest news related to cryptocurrencies, and checking charts of currencies, stakes, and personalized watchlists.

Use Cases

The bot is accessible over the Web and Telegram platforms. To use the bot, a user creates an account which doubles up as a wallet.


Some of the use cases include: 

  • Creating a wallet and KYC updation

  • Buying, selling, transferring, and depositing crypto

  • Buying and selling NFTs

  • Fetching coin statistics

  • Watchlisting coins to monitor changes

  • Checking different portfolios like fiat, NFTs, staked crypto, and crypto balance

  • Crypto conversions

  • Adding or withdrawing money from an account

  • Raising an issue

  • Latest news of crypto, top gainers, top losers, indicators, crypto charts 


It also answers simple queries regarding the cryptocurrency market.


I integrated CoinCap API into the bot for the following information:

  • get coin data, and specific cryptocurrency details, 

  • get basic information pertaining to all cryptocurrencies like names, symbols, rankings etc, 

  • fetch the latest news articles related to cryptocurrencies, 

  • create a new wallet for a user,

  • obtain balance in a specific user’s wallet,

  • retrieve the list of all users and their associated wallets,

  • get and verify JWT for user authentication and authorised access to protected resources.


I used Data Tables provided by the platform to store user information.


Bot Features


Of the many features offered by the platform used in this bot, I would like to highlight a few here: 

  • Digital Forms are used in multiple places to gather bulk information from the user in one go. One place is to update their KYC form upon registration. The user fills out the KYC Form and uploads the relevant documents for verification. The user is also provided with a link to take and upload a profile picture.

  • Given the importance of cryptocurrency in the financial sector, security is of the utmost importance. Managing PII Data was the top priority and luckily the platform offered an easy way to enable and integrate PII Data Redaction strategies.

  • Interruption Management to handle user queries and maintain a seamless conversation flow was also provided by this platform. Effective strategies to handle interruptions, accurately address user queries, and provide relevant responses are incorporated by careful planning and implementation. Context Management helps the bot to remember the conversation before the user deviated and prompts the user to get back to the original conversation once the query is answered. 

  • At every step, the user is provided with options to choose from. Further, the bot prompts the user about their choices, thus ensuring that the user can pick the next step effortlessly. This is possible due to the Multi-turn Conversation feature that is part of the platform.

  • FAQs and Knowledge Management is used extensively to answer any queries the user has regarding cryptocurrencies. 

  • Using the Sentiment Management feature the bot senses user mood and prompts them to register their grievance. Users have the option to fill out a form or talk to an agent.

  • External REST API, CoinCap API, was integrated into the bot for all crypto-related information and transactions.

  • Multiple Templates present the information in multiple formats. For example, when asked, the user sees their wallet balance in both table and pie chart format for better visualization and understanding.

  • Custom Dashboard gives an idea of the types of issues raised by the user, the number of issues raised using a form versus talking to an agent, the mode of payment commonly used etc..

  • Small talk was incorporated to give the bot a human touch.

Sentiment Management

In Conclusion

The highlight of this bot is its ability to provide comprehensive coin statistics. These statistics include detailed information about cryptocurrencies, market data, historical prices, volume, and much more. This feature allows users to make informed decisions when buying, selling, or monitoring cryptocurrencies. It provides valuable insights into the performance and trends of different coins, enabling users to stay updated and make informed investment choices. 


One major challenge faced while developing this bot was integrating and managing the various external APIs. Since the bot relies on external REST API integration to fetch data, it requires robust implementation and handling of API calls, responses, and data parsing. Managing different APIs, ensuring their availability, handling errors, and synchronizing the data received from multiple sources was a complex task. Rigorous testing and persistent effort was the only way out. But all the effort paid off, I can say proudly that the bot definitely enhances the user’s experience and empowers them with the necessary information to navigate the cryptocurrency market effectively.


Though I am thoroughly satisfied with the Crypto Exchange bot, I am sure there are many features of the conversation builder that I can still explore.